Maritime digital marketing has some peculiarities. What is the role of digital marketing in the maritime industry, and how can...
To achieve marketing that genuinely adds value to your business, you need a carefully planned process and tactical marketing plan.
To ensure the reliability of A/B test results, it's important to check for statistical significance. Learn the key principles of...
Diversify your digital strategy to future-proof your business. Explore the benefits of the portfolio-model in marketing.
What does a marketer need to know and consider about new digital technologies when creating a marketing plan or testing...
There is no clear-cut rule for how much or what to measure in marketing. In practice, there are a few...
Expanding into new regions like Europe requires informed market choices. Aboad's Behavioural Digital Market Study framework successfully helps businesses save...
Explore the step-by-step implementation of tactical digital marketing planning for an international B2B growth company.
When developing a marketing plan, the OKR model is a great choice to align actions with the company's key growth...
How to integrate marketing platforms sensibly, report and measure effectively, and create a functional marketing ecosystem out of marketing silos?
Crafting an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) is crucial when venturing into new markets or developing innovative solutions. Though often overlooked...
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